




笔趣阁 www.biqudd.net,最快更新天蝎之心最新章节!

    Fisherman"s Wharf is the famous tourist attra San Francisco, the streets off in a uous line。 Qi Lin in through the crowd, dodgiry pursuit, sometimes bad smile tirl blinked。

    Girl do not be fooled, g a few steps to fight not, he paused, slowly and in the bag her lower lip, smile and see Qi Lin funny。

    When the otion scream, a figure waving to the body down to Qiry。

    Lin Qi Dao is not good, hurriedly rushed through the crowd。

    This figure is a tall mae girl of  not stop, Qiry was khe ground。

    Two people fell to the ground, and a man"s hand g his right hary。

    Qi Lin rushed up, grabbed the man"s arm, a lift him。

    But see Qiry seems thten not light, holdi hand ihe man took hold ht hao a fist, doremble, white coat also ih some red。

    Qi Li down to help Qiry, eagerly asked: "little elder sister Shi, are you hurt?"

    Qiry on Lin Qi arms trembled for a while, just recovered from the shock, said: "I fear…… Me, it doeso be。"

    Qi Lin carefully looked at the girl and saw that her face ale, show MOU with paness of breath, lips because scared to l slightly, coat of red blood spots seems to be ihers。

    The girl didn"t look hurt。

    "All blame me!" Qi Lin very self blame, if o iry ar, she would he man kno。

    The girl in the arms feel warm ahing slowly down。 She shook her head slightly。 "I"m fine。 Only just…… Only just……"

    "What"s going on?" Qi Lin asked。

    "He, he gave me the same thing……" Qi Qi Lin, shoanic, look for help, like the little beasts poor。

    Qi Lily said: "the little poem sister, don"t be afraid。 Give it to me, I"ll deal with it。"

    "It"s ht hand……" The girl"s voice is light a quavery said, "I like the right move, ove……"

    When Qi Lind Qi hand has three red fis, visible just that people catch more ruthless。

    "I am on your side, don"t be afraid。" Qi Lin in the girl whispered to fort, the left hand to hold the girl, right hand naturally hold the girl"s fist。

    Feel Qi  the right hah, the girl"s right hand fist quietly opeal of small things fall in the hand of the palm。

    "Well, it"s fine, I"ll ha。" Qi Lin right thumb ihe girl on the back of the haly a few times, loosen the girl"s right hahat held i。

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